Payload Instrument (Institution)

Measurement Quantity


High Energy Particle Telescope (HEPT; UofA)

Space Radiation: medium energy electrons and solar energetic particles

Unique EPP-related atmospheric energy input, with essential pitch angle resolution

X-ray Imager (XRI; UofC)

X-rays: emitted from medium energy electrons hitting the atmosphere

Unique imaging of EPP; define area over which precipitation occurs

Fluxgate Magnetometer (FGM; UofA)

DC magnetic field: Direction and ultra-low frequency plasma waves

Define pitch angle; assess physical role in radiation scattering into the atmosphere

Search Coil Magnetometer (SCM; UofA)

AC Magnetic Field: Higher frequency plasma waves

Assess physical role in radiation scattering into the atmosphere.

HEPT will be comprised of 2 sets of 3 detector subassemblies connected to a central electronic box:

  • 2 HEPT-HE High Energy Particle Detectors (HE1 & HE2)
  • 2 HEPT-LO Low Energy Particle Detectors (LE1 & LE2)
  • 2 HEPT-MB Fast Microburst Detectors (MB1 & MB2)

The Ideal geometry for HEPT would be for it to be mounted such that the apertures of HEPT-HE and HEPT-LO are pointing in opposite direction (ie. 180° apart).

The RADHEPT-MB is a Multi-Pixel Photon Counter (MPPC) / Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM) based Scintillation detector which is designed to identify the occurrence of electron microburst precipitation events in the 0.2 to 1 MeV range.  It will be used to trigger changes to sampling rates and data aggregation parameters for the particle telescopes during microburst events.




Fluxgate FGM

Earth’s B field -> pitch angle
ULF and EMIC waves. ( 1 mH z- 10 Hz)

Search Coil SCM

ELF/VLF waves (~300 Hz – 10 kHz)
Chorus, Hiss

X-Ray Imager (XRI)
  • Energetic electrons that hit the atmosphere generate X-rays as they slow down
  • XRI will image these hard X-rays (20-600 keV) to:
  • Map the spatial distribution of precipitating particles
  • Map the energy spectrum of precipitating particles
  • 2 imagers on opposite sides of the SC
  • Field of View (FOV): 90ox90o each
  • As the spacecraft spins, the FOV sweeps across the ground track underneath

XRI: A-side

  • “Based on AXIS imager on the AEPEX CubeSat mission
  • Solid-state detectors, coded aperture imaging
  • Very good TRL
  • Good spatial resolution
  • Moderate background rejection
  • Limited energy range
  • RADICALS modification: fewer detector modules (2U instead of 3U), software modifications

XRI: B-side

  • Simple design
  • Collimated scintillators
  • Very good background rejection
  • Good energy range
  • Moderate spatial resolution
  • Low TRL
  • Sensor and electronics proof-of-concept is on the lab bench and working as expected.
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